This disclosure statement is effective January 2018.
www.strategicnutritioncounseling.com is created, written, and edited by me, Niki Strealy. I do not accept cash advertisements, paid insertions, or sponsorships.
If I believe in a product, service, book, or website, I will recommend and promote it. I will request samples from the company to distribute to my patients if possible. I occasionally receive free samples and/or coupons.
Companies I promote and have received free samples (per my own request) or discounted products:
I also work as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for Providence Health and Services in Portland, Oregon. However, this website is my own, as are all opinions, posts, and recommendations.
I do not have any conflicts of interest. For any questions about this policy, please email me directly at niki(at)diarrheadietitian.com